Welcome to Issue 30! 

We feel both ancient and accomplished to be presenting our 30th issue of Radar Poetry. How is it possible that this journal, born more than 7 years ago at Dara’s kitchen table in Princeton, has managed to survive? (We actually know the answer to this question, but we love to ask.)

Thank you sincerely to every poet and artist whose work has appeared in Radar. Thank you to the 20 poets and 9 artists whose brilliant work graces the fresh pages of Issue 30. 

Dara is currently reading Haruki Murakami’s memoir What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. It’s very satisfying to read a writer writing about process. Murakami writes about the process of writing his books at the same time that he is cultivating a life as a long-distance runner. Reading this book is making Dara think that, someday soon, she may break into a jog. Her process involves reading other writers write about writing and running before she will actually run.

We see each issue as an expression of our editorial creativity and an opportunity to showcase the exceptional work we have selected. Every design choice we make at Radar, big or small, is intentional and collaborative. Once we leave Dara’s kitchen table—where creative ideas come to life—there is the work of administering the magazine. During the last 7 years, in collaboration with Dara’s input, Rachel has created every webpage, designed every cover, corresponded with every contributor, and posted on social media. Admittedly, she is known to obsess a bit over the details. Did you ever notice, for example, that each issue has a unique color scheme? Just scroll over the titles in any table of contents. Rachel devotes about 40 woman hours to bringing each issue of Radar to life. Over 30 issues, that’s… a lot of hours.

On behalf of the founders, editorial board of directors, shareholders, stakeholders, and administrative staff (it’s just Rachel and Dara, lol), we welcome you into Issue 30 of Radar Poetry. May your eyes and ears feast on the bounty here!

—Rachel Marie Patterson & Dara-Lyn Shrager, Editors